Teachers: Please also note that the state is transitioning all Milestone guides (including study guides, item & scoring samplers, assessment guides, achievement level descriptors, standards guides from gastandards.org and more)
to your "TRL" tab in LDS. You can log in to this information through PowerTeacher.
Georgia Standards
Where can I find the standards for my course? Note: You can also find these on your TRL tab when you log in on LDS (through PowerTeacher)
GADOE Curriculum Links
Where can I find the latest news and updates for my content? Where can I sign up for content mailing updates from GADOE?
Note: Click on your content area in the left sidebar once the DOE page opens.
Georgia Virtual School
Where can I find free, Georgia Standards-Based resources to supplement my curriculum, help with hospital homebound work, and help provide additional curriculum/assessment differentiation for centers?
GADOE Milestone Resources for Students, Parents and Teachers
Where can I find resources for state and local assessments for my own instruction as well as for students and parents?